Seputar Beasiswa: Ninedash Onverwacht Advertising Agency

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ninedash Onverwacht Advertising Agency

Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Table of Contents


The purpose of this proposal is to create cooperation between Ninedash Onverwacht Advertising Agency and Forever Young to make advertisement as we know Advertisement goes through different stages from its initial planning stage to its execution. In addition, it also involves groups of people specialized in different fields. For example, experts of management, copyediting, creative writing, photography, videography, acting, etc. Ninedash Onverwacht Advertising Agency can handle about our advertisement to promote "SLIMMIE" products among the potential customers , to enter national or even international market and motivate new group of customers and to enhance the goodwill and build credibility among the customers by promising to provide better quality of products and services . The advertisements can be promoted in the newspapers, magazines, and roadside hoardings or watch on television or on the internet involves a lot of work.

Overview Of Product


Product Type: Instant Noodle
Produces By: Forever Young
Introduced: 2016
Markets: Worldwide
Tagline: Go slim, Go health

Advertising Objectives

Advertising objective is a clear and specific aim of an advertisement or a commercial; such as, comparing, gaining attention, informing, persuading, or reminding.

Our client, PT. ……., has given us a brief description of how their Marketing Objective is to increase their sales by 30%.
Then, we set the advertising objectives below:
1.    Communicate the benefits of the client’s product or service.
2.    Persuade 40% of targeted prospective customers to switch brands.
·         Communicate Benefits
Product advertising should focus on solving the needs of your customers; consequently, your advertisement should engage the product's benefits. This type of advertising is important when research shows low awareness of product benefits, if your products have recently been improved, or if you need to counter competitors who have introduced products with similar or better benefits.
For example, if research shows that your company's products are perceived as old-fashioned or poor value for the money, you need to take action to communicate the real benefits of your products. The phrase "perception is reality" definitely applies in advertising.

·         Encourage Brand Switching
Advertising can play an important role in winning new customers as it encourages them to switch brands. It helps to increase market share or maintain share against competitive actions and is also important if we introduce new products that offer greater benefits than those of your competitors.

·         Increasing Sales and Profits
One of the major objectives of advertising is to increase sales and profits. Some companies, like Internet businesses, only use advertising to apprise people about their products and services. These companies don't have sales departments. Hence, they can only sell products and earn profits if they are actively advertising. Some forms of advertising lend themselves more to producing immediate profits. For example, direct response advertising, which asks consumers for money in the ads, is specifically geared toward building sales and profits.

·         Encourage Trial and Usage
Companies often use advertising to encourage trial and usage of new products. These companies run their advertising to introduce their products to the public. They inform people where to buy the products, and also offer special incentives to first-time buyers. For example, a fast food restaurant may offer consumers "$1 off" on a new $3 chicken meal. Similarly, consumer products companies advertise to get consumers to try and use their products. Their sales and profits increase when customers start making regular purchases of their brands.

·         Reminder Advertising
Some businesses use advertising to help customers recall "satisfaction" they had with products in the past, according to marketing expert Cynthia M. Frisby of the University of Missouri. This is often called reminder advertising. Companies that use reminder advertising are often marketing older, more established products. They advertise these products less frequently just to remind customers they are still selling the products. For example, some companies run commercials for 40-year-old games, toys and other items during the holidays.

·         Follow-Up
It is not enough to just advertise to achieve key objectives. Companies must deliver what they promise in the ads. For example, manufacturers and retailers must ensure enough products are in stock when these ads break. They must also provide excellent customer service, answering questions about products and providing fair refund policies. Companies should also develop computer databases on customers, when possible, so they can periodically send them coupons or special promotions.

·         Demonstrating a Product
One advertising objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of a product or its ease of use. A common example is the "before and after" technique, which shows how well a product cleans, improves appearances or enhances quality of life. If your business involves selling weight-loss products or systems, before/after photos can demonstrate their effectiveness. If you operate a hair salon, photos of satisfied clients can show off your skills to potential customers.

·         Building Image
Businesses may use advertising for the objective of building a company or brand image. Insurance agencies often attempt to position themselves as trustworthy by guaranteeing that consumers can count on them in their time of need. Car dealers use advertising to establish a reputation for fairness and honesty. Retailers may attempt to create an image of always offering the lowest prices or providing the best service.

·         Changing Perceptions
An advertising objective may be to alter the perceptions of the public. A business that has developed a reputation in the community for treating customers poorly can use advertising to tout its new customer-service policy. The owner of a restaurant that is perceived to serve an upscale clientele may advertise new menu choices and prices to appeal to a wider range of diners.

Target Audience

Target Audience “Slimmie”
Slimmie is an instant noodle that has a healthy concept. Slimmie is made from a natural ingredients and it is good to be consumedfor it lacks ofbad ingredients such as MSG. Thus, it can even be consumed by people who have a healthy lifestyle.
Slimmie can be found all over Indonesia. The consumer can easily find it in supermarket or minimarket in every region in Indonesia. Slimmie might be a little more expensive than the other instant noodle. It costs Rp. 7500 each because its ingredients are guaranteed to be the best.
·         Price: Rp. 7,500
·         Place: Indonesia (national)
·         Socio-Economic:low to high class people
·         Gender: Unisex
·         Age: 15 – 30

Competitive Edge

·         A great menu with organic ingredients where the quality is much higher than the ones offered by competitors because this instant noodle is made from mostly vegetables which means that it is low in calories and can be consumed for those who are on a diet.
·         Low Costs.
This product also has a standard price so it can be consumed by everyone, despite their economical level.
·         Universal Taste
Slimmie has a taste where everyone all around the world can accept. It is made from vegetables which are present in all countries.
·         Slimmie is a new innovation for people who don't like vegetables, especially for children. The reason is because when they consume Slimmie, they would be surprise if the noodles are made from vegetables for Slimmie rich in tase. This way, they will grow an acceptance towards vegetables.

Product & Price

Ø Product

"SLIMMIE"is a healthy instant noodles made from organic fruits and vegetables, instant seasoning such as chili powder, oil, seasoning powder, soy sauce, without any MSG. Although it's without  MSG, it is rich in taste, not to forget that it's also healthy.
SLIMMIE organic noodles is made from vegetables that were obtained from plant selection with organic growing methods, and produced hygienically and without preservatives. Organic noodle is perfect for those who care about their health and for allergy sufferers, infants and children, especially for children with special needs, pregnant women and lactating diet program. It's low fat food, hygienic, rich in fiber, contains no MSG, preservatives and food coloring.
- There are 4 variants taste ofnoodleforfrying: Green Spinach, Red Spinach, carrots and Dragon Fruit.
-   For the cooking process, it's relatively easy because it is like an instant noodles in general (there is a complete seasoning and manner of presentation contained on the packaging)
-   When the water is boiling,the color of thenoodle is according toingredients inserted. It's normal for some vegetablesto produce juice that gives color into l the boiling water (no artificial coloring)
- Safe consumed by Pregnant women and toddlers.
- The expiry time is only eight months because it has no preservatives (only with the drying process that it can last that long)
- Contains fiber, minerals and vitamins, such as:
+ Red spinach: Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, Potassium, Substance besiamarantin, Beta Carotene, Vitamin A, C, and E, folic acid, Gulatation.
+ Green Spinach: oxalic acid, folic acid, amino acids, Vitamin A, C and E.
+ Carrot: sugar, carotene, pectin, aspargin, vitamin A, B, C, D, and vitamin K, fiber, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, amino acids, essential oils, and beta-carotene.
+ Dragon Fruit: protein, carotene, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, B2, B3, and vitamin C.

Ø Price

            The price of Slimmie can fit all people from every group of economic level. This healthy instant noodle hasan affordable price, although is more expensive than its competitors, it can offer more benefits to its consumers for it is made of good quality organic ingredients. It costs Rp 7500 each, but it's very worth the price because no other instant noodles can offer the same quality of product.

Place & Promotion

Ø Place

Placement or distribution is a very important part of the product mix definition. You have to position and distribute the product in a place that is accessible to potential buyers.
This comes with a deep understanding of your target market. Understand them inside out and you will discover the most efficient positioning and distribution channels that directly speak with your market.
Here are some of the questions that you should answer in developing your distribution strategy:
  Where do your clients look for your service or product?
  What kind of stores do potential clients go to? Do they shop in a mall, in a regular brick and mortar store, in the supermarket, or online?
  How do you access the different distribution channels?
  How is your distribution strategy different from your competitors?
  Do you need a strong sales force?
  Do you need to attend trade fairs?
  Do you need to sell in an online store?
Our Slimmie instant noodle will be distributed at many convenience stores, such as; 7 Eleven, Indomaret, Alfamart, Alfamidi and etc. Furthermore, big supermarkets, such as; Carrefour, Hero and etc, will be our main focus in the aspect of place. We chose those places to distribute our product because they contain all of our potential buyers. Many of our competitors put their products at similar places because those are the best places to sell such product. Since, our pricing fits the demand of our target market and our product that has different benefits from other competitors, it needs a suitable place such as those mentioned above to be able to spread our message.

Ø Promotion

Promotion is a very important component of marketing as it can boost brand recognition and sales. Promotion is comprised of various elements like:
  Sales Organization
  Public Relations
  Sales Promotion
Advertising typically covers communication methods that are paid for like television advertisements, radio commercials, print media, and internet advertisements. In contemporary times, there seems to be a shift in focus offline to the online world.
Public relations, on the other hand, are communications that are typically not paid for. This includes press releases, exhibitions, sponsorship deals, seminars, conferences, and events.
Word of mouth is also a type of product promotion. Word of mouth is an informal communication about the benefits of the product by satisfied customers and ordinary individuals. The sales staff plays a very important role in public relations and word of mouth.
In creating an effective product promotion strategy, you need to answer the following questions:
  How can you send marketing messages to your potential buyers?
  When is the best time to promote your product?
  Will you reach your potential audience and buyers through television ads?
  Is it best to use the social media in promoting the product?
  What is the promotion strategy of your competitors?
Slimmie will be promoted through various advertising ways. One of the example is through giving free cooked samples to numerous people in certain places or events, such as; at a food bazaar, supermarket and etc. With that, people can have a taste of our product and might even grow a liking on our product if it fits their taste. Furthermore, if they like our product, the word of mouth between the people can help to spread the message of our product.
Another example is through mass media, such as; TV, radio, newspaper and etc. Although, this type of advertising needs a big budget, it does spread the word effectively everywhere. It will reach our target market precisely if we choose the right channels or media.


Once upon a time there is a woman that eating SLIMMIE everyday.She is also didnt afraid to get fat just because eating noodle in the night. When she cooking the noodles, suddenly  a girl come to her and said " you always eating instant will get fat!!" and the slimmie girl said " slimmie! Eating mie, still get slimmy" *act like a elegant and slim woman" .



University of Missouri; Writing Advertising Objectives: The Four Basic Criteria; Cynthia M. Frisby, Ph.D.; 2000 Setting the Advertising Objective
Mind Tools: Product Life Cycle
Business Know-How; Which is Better: New Customers or Repeat Business; Paul Lemberg
Resource: Be Smart About Prescription Drug Advertising

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